Monday, March 22, 2010

Archer's Spring Break

We headed to the East Coast for a week and Archer had a fun time. He did great on the airplane and loved the city life. We hit a lot of states and did a lot of fun things. Joey had his college exchange reunion and a group of his friends all flew in and we all met in Delaware and we got to see where he went to college. It was such a fun time. We went to the Central Park Zoo and the Natural History Museum which had an amazing butterfly pavilion that Archer just loved.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Butterfly In New York

We took Archer to the East Coast for the week and went to the Natural History Museum in New York City. They had a butterfly pavilion which he loved.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Well it is official today was Archer's First Birthday.  Happy Birthday to our little Man.  Your daddies love you so very much!!! 

Sunday, March 7, 2010

1st Birthday

We had Archer's first birthday party today.  It was great to have so many amazing people to celebrate his first year with.  We had a magician to help entertain the older kids.  It truly was a magical day.